The Research committee Sociology of Arts and Culture (RC-SAC) or CR-SAC Comité de recherche Sociologie des arts et de la culture in French – better known as “Foko-KUKUSO” (Forschungskomitee Kunst- und Kultursoziologie in German) – was created in 2009.

The Foko-KUKUSO aims to build a national and international network of sociologists who work on objects such as cultural practices, artistic work, cultural industries and cultural policies.

The field of sociology of art and culture has internationally grown considerably in the last decades with the creation of research committees within the ISA , the ESA and the AISLF , as well as the renewed dynamism of the relevant sections within national sociology associations in Germany (Arbeitskreis Soziologie der Künste) and Austria. In Switzerland, the Foko-KUKUSO offers to all those working in this field – and in particular to our PhD candidates – the possibility to confront their results and to deepen theoretical and methodological questions that are specific to the sociology of art and culture.

It is always time to strengthen the dialogue as well as to enable scientific communication in this field at a national level and beyond. By its situation at the heart of Europe and its multiple languages and scientific traditions, Switzerland can become an interesting interface between the various schools of thought in the field.

The Foko-KUKUSO counts now 50 members in Switzerland as well as in France, Germany, Austria and Great-Britain.

If you work in the field of the sociology of arts and culture and wish to become a member of the Foko-KUKUSO or want to be inform on our activities, or for all other questions, please contact


LACCUS Laboratory Capitalism, Culture and Societies
University of Lausanne
Batiment Géopolis, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
+41 79 566 70 27 or

Dr. Olivier MOESCHLER is bilingual French-German and communicates in English.

  • Next event:
    2024 Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association (SSA) in September 2024 in Basel
    DEADLINE FOR THE CALL – extended (closed): January 15, 2024
    > Link to the program of the Foko-KUKUSO sessions “Vulnerability in Arts and Culture: Risks and Responses”


1) Our research committee was involved in the organisation of a conference on digital cultural participation: Participation culturelle numérique ? Promesses et innovations à laube du Web 3.0” (Musée de la main, Lausanne, June 2, 2023). This one-day conference aimed at questioning the promises of Web 3.0 and the various artefacts that accompany it (metaverses, augmented reality, blockchains), which lead to rethink the complex links between digital technologies and cultural participation in regards to both audiences and production. It was organisedby committee member Loïc Riom in collaboration with Olivier Glassey and Olivier Moeschler (University of Lausanne) and supported by the SAGW-ASSH in the context of its series of events around cultural participation, as well as theUniversity of Lausanne, the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV and STS-CH – Swiss Association for the Studies ofScience, Technology and Society:

  • After an introduction by Loïc Riom (University of Lausanne), the speakers of the morning sessions wereLaurence Allard (Sorbonne Nouvelle-IRCAV and University of Lille) and Jean-Paul Fourmentraux (EHESS / Aix-Marseille), followed by a discussion with Maria Sokhn (ARC HES-SO), Alice Aterianus-Owanga (University of Neuchâtel), Phillipe Sormani (University of Lausanne), Olivier Moeschler (University of Lausanne) moderated by Nathalie Dietschy (University of Lausanne).
  • In the afternoon, the speakers were Sidonie Naulin (Sciences Po Grenoble) and Jean-Samuel Beuscart(Telecom Paris), followed by a final discussion with Sidonie Naulin (Sciences Po Grenoble), Marc Perrenoud(University of Lausanne), Guillaume Helleu (HEAD HES-SO) and Claire Balleys (University of Geneva), moderated by Samuel Coavoux (ENSAE Paris).
2) In the wake of the national consultation on the Culture Message for the years 2025-2028 set up by the Federal Office of Culture (FOC), the committee wrote a position paper. Since the federal law on cultural promotion came into force in 2012, the federal authorities have been issuing a “message” outlining their cultural policy priorities and the planned measures and budget for the 4-5 coming years. Interested parties and groups are invited to express their views as part of a national consultation on the draft. In its position paper, the Foko-KUKUSO (Loïc Riom and Olivier Moeschler, University of Lausanne) notes, in a nutshell, that the Message 2025-2028, while continuing the themes championed since the first Message in 2012, marks a change. See the complete position paper on the Culture Message 2025-2028 on Serval (UNIL).


• “Reinvent Yourself!” (University of Lucerne, November 4-5, 2022). In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, thisinternational conference aimed at questioning, as its subtitle suggests, “alignment and resistance in the arts andculture amidst societal claims for change”. The two-day program included keynotes by:

  • Emilia BARNA (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
  • Marc PERRENOUD (University of Lausanne, online)
  • Nina Tessa ZAHNER (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf – State Academy of the Arts)
  • Franz SCHULTHEIS (Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, cancelled).

In addition, the conference included the following 4 panels:

Panel 1 – “Covid-Crises-Reaction” with contributions by Sarah MONTERO (University Bordeaux Montaigne) and Aurélie CHÊNE (University Lyon-Saint Etienne) and by Massimo ZICARI, Chiara BERNARDI, Marta PUCCIARELLI, Veronica PROVENZALE and Cinzia CRUDER of SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland), moderated by Olivier MOESCHLER (UNIL)

Panel 2 – “The multiple reinventions of cultural policies of support for contemporary music” with papers presented by Loïc RIOM (University of Lausanne), by Michael SPANU (CISAN – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, online) and by Robin CHARBONNIER (Centre de Recherche en Gestion de l’Ecole Polytechnique, online), moderated by Mathias ROTA (HE-ARC)

Panel 3 – “documenta: Reinvention by Default” with contributions by Paul BUCKERMANN (Heidelberg University), by Sophia PRINZ (Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK) and by Aleksandra BARJAKTAREVIĆ (Heidelberg University), moderated by Guy SCHWEGLER (UNILU)

Panel 4 – “Scientification of culture“ with papers presented by Guy SCHWEGLER (University of Lucerne), by Jürg HUBER (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) and by Rachel MADER (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) and Pablo MÜLLER (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts), moderated by Loïc Riom (UNIL)

The conference was organised by Olivier MOESCHLER (UNIL), Nuné NIKOGHSYAN (UNIGE), Loïc RIOM (UNIL) and Guy SCHWEGLER (UNILU) and was supported by the SAGW-ASSH and the University of Lucerne.

• “Musiques sauvages (Museum of Ethnography Neuchâtel, June 9, 2022). The Foko-KUKUSO was associated tothe international conference on ethnomusicology organised by Loïc RIOM (UNIL) with Alice ATERIANUS-OWANGA(University of Cape Town), Cécile NAVARRO (UNINE-HESSO), Miriam ODONI (UNINE-HESSO), Robin CASSE(UNIL), Emmanuel PARENT (Rennes 2/IASPM-bfe), Marc PERRENOUD (UNIL) and Marion SCHULZE (UNIBAS).


• Workshop on “Artistic Creation” (Nantes, 18 June 2021 – online). Planned for January 2021, this journée d’études organised by Thibaut Menoux, Valérie Rolle (Centre nantais de sociologie CENS, UMR 6025, University of Nantes) and Olivier Moeschler (UNIL) was finally held in June in an online format. The workshop’s focus was the act of creation, an aspect relatively rarely examined from a sociological perspective. Through recent or ongoing work in France and Switzerland, several topics were discussed during this study day, such as the socialisation to the production of artistic works, their conditions of production, as well as the mechanisms relating to their consecration in the social space. Entitled “Créer. Perspectives croisées sur la creation dans les arts plastiques et les arts de la scène”, the workshop confronted socio-historical perspectives on several aspects of creation in the visual and performing arts:

Artistic formation: Carole Christe, sociology (UNIL); Déborah Laks, art history (University of Bourgogne), discussion: Olivier Moeschler (UNIL)

Work production: Rita Freda, theatre studies (UNIL); Mathilde Legeay, art history (University of Nantes) (discussion: Bernard Lehmann, University of Nantes)

Collective creation: Robin Casse, sociology (UNIL); Thibaut Menoux, sociology (University of Nantes) (discussion: Bernard Lehmann, University of Nantes)

Artistic consecration: Pierre-Emmanuel Sorignet and Marc Perrenoud, sociology (UNIL); Marjorie Glas, sociology (ENS Lyon) (discussion: Valérie Rolle, University of Nantes)

This event received a supporting grant from the SAGW-ASSH.

• SSA Congress “Social Justice in Times of Uncertainty” (Geneva, 28-30 June 2021 – online). The Foko-KUKUSO organised one semi-plenary and three paper sessions within our biennial national sociological congress. The chosen topic, “Arts and Culture in Times of Crisis”, allowed to explore the pressure put onto the world of arts and culture by the COVID-19 pandemic. Like in other societal and economic sectors, the ongoing health crisis endangers,questions, and reshapes cultural actors and industries already marked by precarious work conditions, deep inequalities, and uncertainty. These four Foko-KUKUSO sessions aimed at analyzing and discussing what is at stake for arts and culture in face of this as well as of other crises:

  • Semi-plenary session – 28 June 2021: “The Music Sector Facing COVID-19” (chair: Olivier Moeschler, UNIL; Miriam Odoni, UNINE; Loïc Riom, UNIGE/Mines ParisTech; Guy Schwegler, UNILU)
    • “‘Diversity’ in crisis: Inequalities in the classical music sector in light of the covid-19 pandemic” by Kristina Kolbe (Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam)
    • “Precarious Labor in COVID Times: The Case of Musicians” by David Arditi (University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
    • “The Return of ‘Umgangsmusik’? Musical Practices During COVID-19 Lockdown” by Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt/M.)
  • Paper session 1 – 29 June 2021 (chair: Thibaut Menoux, University of Nantes)
    “What is art good for again? Cultural organizations’ boundary work in times of crisis” by Paul Buckermann (Thematic Research Network ‘Validity of Knowledge’, Heidelberg University)
    “Interdependencies – culture with active participation of older people” by Magdalena PopŁawska(Sociology Faculty, Adam Mickiewicz University AMU, Poznań, Poland)
    “Arts and Culture in Times of Crisis in Portugal” by Maria Teresa Lacerda (NOVA FCSH, INET.MD – Instituto de Etnomusicologia. Centro de Estudos em Musica e Danca, Lisboa, Portugal)
  • Paper session 2 – 29 June 2021 (chair: Samuel Coavoux, Orange Labs/SENSE)
    “La critique littéraire en ligne, une critique incertaine” by Clara Levy (Institut d’Etudes Européennes, University Paris 8, France)
    “Flux of control: mapping the metamorphosis of music on YouTube” by Guillaume Heuguet (Laboratoire GRIPIC & Laboratoire IRMECCEN, Sorbonne Nouvelle)
    “Une histoire européenne de l’incertaine définition de la professionnalité en musique (1910-2020) by Marc Perrenoud (LACCUS, UNIL)
    “Community Arts Institutions Under Duress” by Julia Rothenberg (Queensborough Community College, CUNY) (Note: this presentation is thematically linked to the following session)
  • Paper session 3 – 30 June 2021), chair: Valérie Rolle (University of Nantes)
    “Creative workshops and access to artistic practices” by Florence Schenk (Department of Social Sciences Sociology Unit, UNIFR)
    “Embracing uncertainty? How expected and surprising actors negotiate collaboration in participatory art practices” by Alice Neusiedler (Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen)

These sessions were supported by the SAGW-ASSH.

• DGS-ÖGS Congress (Vienna, 23-25 August 2021 – online). The binational sociological congress of our German and Austrian sister associations on “Die Post-Corona-Gesellschaft? Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen” at the Wirtschaftsuniversität in Vienna offered another occasion to co-organize a paper session. Together with our colleagues of the AK Soziologie der Künste of the DGS (Uta Karstein, University of Leipzig; Nina Tessa Zahner, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf), the Foko-KUKUSO (Guy Schwegler, UNILU; Olivier Moeschler, UNIL) presented an “ad hoc group” as a joint event. Its aim was to discuss the manifold consequences, transformations and challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic for arts and culture (“Kunst und Kultur im Griff der Pandemie. Transformationen, Herausforderungen und Folgen von Covid 19 für Kunst und Kultur”). Three online presentations were scheduled on 25 August 2021:

  • “Towards de-flexibilisation of the cultural work force after Covid?” by Johan Kolsteeg (Rijks University of Groningen) and Lisa Gaupp (Leuphana University Lüneburg)
  • “Musikberufe in der Pandemie” on music professions and the pandemic by Diana Betzler (SparsNet GmbH, Switzerland) and Dieter Haselbach (Zentrum für Kulturforschung, Berlin)
  • “Clubsterben reloaded? Die Auswirkungen der Covid-19 Pandemie auf Musikclubs in Deutschland” on the effects of the pandemic on German clubs by Jan Üblacker (EBZ Business School Bochum), Heiko Rüh(University of Köln), Katharina Huseljić and Johannes Krause (Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf), Niklas Blömeke (University Paderborn)


Glauser, A., Holder, P., Mazzurana, T., Moeschler, O., Rolle, V., Schultheis, F. (eds.) (2020), The Sociology of Arts and Markets. New Developments and Persistent PatternsPalgrave Macmillan, 432 p. – link
• The edited book The Sociology of Arts and Markets. New Developments and Persistent Patterns has been published at Palgrave-Macmillan in their “Sociology of the Arts” series, as an outcome of the international conference “Arts andMarkets” organized by the Foko-KUKUSO at the University of St. Gallen. The book’s editors Andrea Glauser, Patricia Holder, Thomas Mazzurana, Olivier Moeschler, Valerie Rolle, and Franz Schultheis assembled 17 contributions from both young and more senior scholars from Japan, Switzerland, France, Italy, China, the US, and UK.

Moeschler, O., Nikoghosyan, N., Riom, L., Sahakian, M., Schwegler, G. (eds.) (2020). Sustainability through Art: The Role of Art In and Towards Sustainable Changes. SCORAI Europe Workshop Proceedings, Sept. 24-25, 2020, Geneva, 36 p. – link
• On 24-25 September 2020 the Foko-KUKUSO organized an international conference on “Sustainability through Arts” in Geneva at Les Saules building, financed by seed funding granted by the SAGW aiming to promote scientific contributions to the UN 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The scientific and organising committee was composed of Marylene Sahakian, Nuné Nikoghosyan and Loïc Riom (University of Geneva), Guy Schwegler (University of Lucerne) and Olivier Moeschler (University of Lausanne). Over 30 scholars from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, UK, Japan, and Switzerland gave 14 online presentations, with a world café and two keynote presentations by Karin M. Ekström (University of Borås) and by Nicolas Nova (HEAD Genève) and François Ribac (University of Burgundy-Franche-Comté)

Foko-KUKUSO was associated in the organisation of a panel on music, infrastructure, and fragility at the conference Multiple Matters: From neglected things to arts of noticing fragility organized by the Swiss STS association at University of Lausanne (7-9 September 2020 – postponed to 15-17 February 2021). Set up by Loïc Room, the panel included Swiss and French researchers.


• Founded in 2009, the Foko-KUKUSO celebrated its 10 years of existence with no less than 3 workshops (including 7 sessions and 24 presentations in all) labelled “Foko-KUKUSO” at the SSA-congress 2019 “The Future of Work” at University of Neuchatel (September 2019): 1) Art and Artists: the Future of Work? (Olivier Moeschler, UNIL; Andrea Glauser, UNILU; Michael Gautier, Bern) with 2 sessions and presenters from France, Hungary, UK, Austria and Spain; 2) Artistic Work in an Entrepreneurial Regime (Thibaut Menoux and Valérie Rolle, University of Nantes) with 3 sessions and presenters from France, Canada, UK and the USA; 3) Producing Concerts, Working in Live Music (Alexandre Camus, EPFL & Mines ParisTech and Loïc Riom, Mines ParisTech and UNIGE) with 2 sessions and presenters from France, Canada and Switzerland.

An ongoing  activity was the finalisation of the book resulting from the international conference Arts and Markets” organised  at the University of St. Gallen at the end of 2016. To assemble, review, and correct the contributions in English of initially around 25 mostly young authors all around the world again turned out to be no small matter.

• In 2019, the Foko-KUKUSO has also renewed its scientific committee. Andrea Glauser, one of the founding members, left the committee after having been appointed Professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. In parallel, several young researchers have joined the scientific committee of the Foko-KUKUSO.


• Organisation of a Journée d’études on Emergence, Recognition and Consecration in the Performing Arts on 9 November 2018. This event was also the mid-term conference of the CR18 Sociologie de l’Art et de la Culture of the AISLF (Association internationale des sociologues de langue française) and the first colloquium to be organised by Marc Perrenoud and Pierre-Emmanuel Sorignet (LACCUS Laboratoire culture, capitalisme et sociétés, University of Lausanne) in their new SNF-research project “Consecrating Talents: An Inquiry on Performing Arts”, which whom the Foko (Olivier Moeschler, Nuné Nikoghosyan) was glad to collaborate, with presentations by Laurent Fleury (University of Paris Diderot), Valérie Rolle (University of Nantes), Joël Laillier (University of Toulouse), Miriam Odoni (University of Neuchâtel & LAMECC), Nuné Nikoghosyan (University of Geneva), Gérard Mauger (CESSP-CNRS) and with a grant from the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW).

• Another activity which still kept us busy 2018 was the continuing work on the book that will result from the international congress “Arts and Markets” the Foko organised at the end of 2016 at UNISG.


Ducret A., Glauser A., Moeschler O., Rolle V. (eds.), « Art, Work and (De-)Regulation », special issue, Swiss Journal of Sociology, 2017, issue 43, n. 2
• The special issue of the Swiss Journal of Sociology (SJS) on “Art, Work and (De-)Regulation” guest edited by the Foko-KUKUSO came out.

• The Research Committee Sociology of Arts and Culture (RC-SAC) organised a workshop at the Swiss Sociological Association (SSA) Congress 2017 “Common Good and Self Interest” under the auspices of Olivier Moeschler (UNIL), Valérie Rolle (SNSF and UNIL), Michael Gauthier (UNIBE) and Nuné Nikoghosyan (UNIGE) at the University of Zurich, 21-23 June 2017, on the theme Art Collectives and Collective Art.

• On 24 November 2017 Olivier Moeschler (UNIL), Valérie Rolle (Université de Nantes), Andrea Glauser (UNILU) organized with Franz Schultheis, Thomas Mazzurana and Patricia Holder (UNISG) at the Institut für Soziologie of the University of St. Gallen an international workshop on Creative Economies. An International Paradigm in European Cities with presentations by Ilja Van Damme (University of Antwerpen), Janet Merkel (City, University of London), Elsa Vivant (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée) and Christoph Weckerle (ZHdK, Zürich) moderated by Dave O’Brien (University of Edinburgh), aided by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW).


• Four members of the committee – Andre Ducret (UNIGE), Andrea Glauser (UNILU), Olivier Moeschler (UNIL) and Valérie Rolle (London School of Economics and UNIL) – co-edited a special issue of the Swiss Journal of Sociology (SJS) on “Art, Work and (De-)Regulation” (publication in Summer 2017).

• Olivier Moeschler with Andrea Glauser and Valérie Rolle co-organised in collaboration with Franz Schultheis, Patricia Holder and Thomas Mazzurana at the Institute for Sociology of the University of St. Gallen an international colloquium on Arts & Markets. Alienation or Emancipation? (17-18 November 2016), with more than 25 scholars from Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium and Singapore and three keynotes by Ulf Wuggenig and Steffen Rudolph (Leuphana University of Lüneburg), Alain Quemin (University Paris-8) and Nathalie Moureau (University Paul-Valéry – Montpellier 3). This event took place at the Militärkantine ( and UNISG with a grant from the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW).

• Founding member Andre Ducret (UNIGE) retired on September 2016.


• Several members were engaged in the organisation of the 2015 SSA-Congress at University of Lausanne on 3-5 June 2015 “Collective Dynamics, Social (De-)Regulations and Public Spheres”. Its President, Olivier Moeschler, was in the organising committee, and Valerie Rolle (UNIL), Marc Perrenoud (UNIL), André Ducret (UNIGE) and Olivier Moeschler (UNIL) set up four workshop sessions with a total of 12 presentations on Artists between Deregulation and Self-regulation.

• The RC-SAC also started to co-organise an international meeting on art markets with colleagues of the UNISG and a grant from the SAGW.


Danko D., MoeschlerO., SchumacherF. (eds.), Perspektiven der Kunstsoziologie II. Kunst und Öffentlichkeit(Reihe „Kunst und Gesellschaft“), Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 2015, 384 p. – link
• The (expanded) proceedings of the international congress 2012 in Freiburg in Breisgau came out. Edited by Dagmar Danko, Florian Schumacher (both Freiburg in Breisgau) and Olivier Moeschler (University of Lausanne), the book “Kunst und Öffentlichkeit” (“Art in Public”), which includes several graphics and photographs, came out at Springer Verlag (Wiesbaden) in autumn (dated 2015).

• Several members were engaged in the organisation of the SSA-Congress 2015 in Lausanne.


• A plenary session and a workshop on the theme From democratisation to integration? The arts and cultural policies in mutation have been set on by the Foko-KUKUSO at the 2013 SSA Congress
 on “Inequality and Integration in Times of Crises”, University of Berne (26-28 June 2013), by André Ducret (UNIGE), Lisa Marx (UNIGE), Olivier Moeschler (UNIL), Miriam Odoni (UNIGE), Valérie Rolle (UNIL), and Natalie Schwarz (UNIL). In the plenary session, Tasos Zembylas (University for Music and Performing Arts, Vienna), Hans-Peter Meier-Dallach (cultur prospectiv / World Drives Association and IB-Hochschule Berlin) and Olivier Moeschler (UNIL) made talks.

• The year was also dedicated to the editorial work on the proceedings of the Freiburg colloquium of 2012.


• Several members of the RC-SAC participated in the international congress of the AISLF, which takes place every 4 years and was held in Rabat (June 2012).

• A joint international colloquium has been organised in Freiburg-in-Breisgau with the German colleagues of the Arbeitskreis für Soziologie der Künste, by Dagmar Danko and Florian Schumacher (University of Freiburg in Breisgau) with André Ducret (University of Geneva) and Olivier Moeschler (University of Lausanne), totalising almost 20 presentations on the theme Art in Public. The publication of the proceedings was started (publication in 2014, dated 2015).


• The research committee met at the 10th ESA- Congress “Social Relations in Turbulent Times” (September 2011). It organised joint sessions with the ESA RN n. 2 Sociology of the Arts on Artistic and cultural professions.

Ducret A., Moeschler O. (eds.), Nouveaux regards sur les pratiques culturelles. Contraintes collectives, logiques individuelles et transformation des modes de vie, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2011, 247 p. – link
• The proceedings of the Geneva 2009 plenary session and panels were edited at L’Harmattan: André Ducret, Olivier Moeschler (ed.), Nouveaux regards sur les pratiques culturelles (2011).


• The RC-SAC has held its second scientific meeting, which took place by the end of May 2010 at the University of Bern, under the responsibility of Andrea Glauser and Olivier Moeschler, to discuss ongoing projects.

• The editing of the proceedings of the 2009 SSA congress were continued.


• The research committee held its first scientific meeting at the SSA Congress – Geneva, 7-9 September 2009 – where André Ducret and Olivier Moeschler organised a plenary session on “Cultural practices and audiences’ identity”, followed by two panels, both entitled Sociological analysis of ‘cultural practices’: collective constraints, individual rationale and transformations in lifestyle. The proceedings were then edited in 2011.

More details on the activities of the Foko-KUKUSO can be found in the annual reports of the committee.

These activities benefit from selective and welcome aids (among others, from the SAGW Swiss Academy of the Humanities and Social Science). The committee is entitled, if it decides to do so, to ask for an annual fee or for other types of financial contributions by its members.

Olivier Moeschler (University of Lausanne), President
Carole Christe (University of Lausanne)
Nuné Nikoghosyan (University of Geneva)
Loïc Riom (University of Lausanne and Mines ParisTech)
Valérie Rolle (University of Nantes)
Guy Schwegler (University of Lucerne)

As of the 15th of May, 2009, the founder members of the RC- SAC were:

  • André DUCRET, Nadia CAPUZZO DERKOVIC, Magali DUBEY, Miriam ODONI, Département de sociologie, University of Geneva
  • Andrea GLAUSER, Institut für Soziologie, University of Bern
  • Olivier MOESCHLER and Valérie ROLLE, University of Lausanne
  • John WÄFLER, Soziologisches Seminar, University of Lucerne

Every member of the SSA and everyone invited by the persons in charge of this research committee may take part in its activities.

Follow the Foko-KUKUSO now also on Twitter!
Our research committee now has its own Twitter account, with the username @foko_kukuso (, in order to facilitate the spreading of information, announcements, calls, and other news in sociology of arts and culture, or related fields, from Switzerland and elsewhere. Should you have any messages to distribute on the network, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly on Twitter, or by email (!